Henge Hammocks Cinch Buckles are very simple to set up and use. Splice these onto Continuous Loops and thread them onto the end of your hammock. If you cannot splice, we also sell them ready to use. (We recommend splicing on Continous Loops as it is more stable than a cow hitch/larkshead.)
Use with long 25mm Tree straps, and you have yourself a versatile, simple-to-adjust suspension system. Please take a look at this video for setting them up.
Please note, that these are not suitable for use with lightweight webbing; work best with our Premium and Heavy Duty Tree Straps.
Cinch Buckles (pair)
To prevent slippage, ensure;
1. The webbing enters and exits any hardware straight.
2. Ensure any hardware has been set perpendicular to the hammock body.
3. Splice Cinch Buckles onto Continous Loops.